Summer Skin Care in the Heat of the Moment


With summer in the air, it is a perfect time to be asking all the necessary questions about maintaining healthy skin. In fact, now is as good a time as any! Although the harsh winds and blistering cold of the winter can take a toll on our skin, so equally can the harsh dry or humid heat of the summer.

Read ahead to learn the best summer skin care routine.

To reduce or circumvent the damaging effects of the sun’s harmful rays, here are few tips:

-use sunscreen;

-remember: hats, clothing and shade are the only completely reliable forms of sun protection;

- avoid clear sunscreens, as they likely have nano-particles (steer clear until more is known about their effects), along with sprays and powders which can be accidentally inhaled. Instead, try mineral, white colored zinc or titanium oxide products (BelleCôte Double Sun Protection Cream).

Tips for sunscreen use:

Apply 15-20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every 2-3 hours or after swimming, perspiration, or towel drying.

Harmful ultraviolet rays can have a significant effect even when conditions are overcast or cloudy. Keep in mind that baking in the sun on hot summer days may provide your skin with an alluring tan and glow, but, can simultaneously damage, prematurely age, and ultimately increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

Another vital tip for healthy skin in the summer season is to drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated. Our human body is composed of 80 percent water. Dehydration causes premature wrinkles, frown lines, among other more serious health risks. If you are engaging in exercise or other physical activity, drink before you begin and keep drinking throughout your regimen. Remember, hot weather conditions increase the risk of dehydration.

We all love to enjoy the warmth, excitement, and beauty of the outdoors in the summer months, but keep in mind we must maintain our skin just as meticulously as we maintain our bodies.

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